2018-04-21 - Capital for a Day 5k Race

^z 9th July 2023 at 6:53pm

~3.1 mi @ ~8.1 min/mi

"Your race is about to start!" says Tom Young, pointing to a dozen tiny people getting ready for their kids-on-the-run dash. If only! Today's MCRRC "Capital for a Day" 5k is a good challenge, with gentle hills and perfect weather. Exchange fist-bumps with fast graybeard Wayne Breslyn and Race Director Keith Evans, line up, and go!

"Where did he come from?" A 10-year-old blasts past in the home stretch. Compared to previous times on this course (2011 = 22:19 and 2012 = 22:33) the effects of 5 years and 15 lbs show clearly: official result is 24:49, good for 2nd place among 7 in the 65-69 year male group, 75th of 171 men, 93rd of 298 overall. Rough GPS splits: 7.7 + 7.8 + 8.6 with 8.0 min/mi for the final fraction.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-05-09